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includes funny jokes, hilarious stories, clean jokes, and anything humorous. Best viewed in internet explorer7.

12 January 2008

Merns says thank you for dropping by!!!
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  • Tips to remember for this new year joke

    1. Every morning smile to your mirror, but why stop there? Smile to your kitchen table, to your living room sofa and to your iron board. Beware, don't smile to your dishwasher it may take it as provocation.

    2. Always put your smile on. People will assume you are a crazy person and won't mess with you.

    3. Be kind to others, send me money.

    4. Live every day like it is your last.Crawl into a corner and cry.

    5. Live every day to the fullest. When going to the bathroom take a newspaper!

    6. Drinking is not a solution, unless we are talking about alcohol.

    7. Better to give, than to receive (true only on case of infections).

    8. Clothes don't make the man, but being naked will get you arrested.

    9. Don't put all your eggs in one basket, put all of then in the fridge they will last longer.

    10. Remember everybody makes mistakes, and you will have the opportunity to laugh on them.

    11. Always follow your dreams; just be sure to check that Pamela Anderson is also on board.

    12. Give a man a fish and he might take it the wrong way...

    13. Honesty is the best policy, at least that what Pamela always telling me.

    14. Time is money. Stop reading stupid articles!




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