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16 September 2008

Merns says thank you for dropping by!!!
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  • MID-TERM EXAM joke

    Students in an advanced biology class were taking a mid-term. The last question, worth 70 points or none at all was:

    "Name seven advantages of mother's milk."

    The student in question had also partied the night before, and was hard put to think of 7 advantages.

    He wrote:

    1. It is a perfect formula for the child.
    2. It provides immunity against several diseases.
    3. It is always available as needed.
    4. It is always at the right temperature
    5. It is inexpensive.
    6. It bonds the child to the mother, and vice versa.

    And then, the student was stuck.

    Finally, just before the bell indicating the end of the test was rang, he wrote:

    7. It comes in cute containers.

    He was the only student to ace the exam.




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