laughter is the best medicine|jokes|funny stories|funny pictures <data:blog.pageName/>|<data:blog.title/>

includes funny jokes, hilarious stories, clean jokes, and anything humorous. Best viewed in internet explorer7.

29 March 2009

Merns says thank you for dropping by!!!
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  • How to pass the final exams joke

    One morning, Janel comes to her young professor's office.
    She kneel pleadingly and said 'I would do anything to pass this exam.'
    She leans closer to his Professor, flips back her hair, gazes meaningfully into his eyes.
    'I mean...' she whispers, '...I would do...
    He returns her gaze. 'Anything???'
    'Yes,... Anything!!!'
    His voice turns to a whisper. 'Would you...... study hard???'

