31 July 2009

30 July 2009

29 July 2009

27 July 2009

Nightmare joke
Tibo: Doc, I always dreamed at night that I am an NBA player and I am the point guard of Lakers.
Doc: Well, I'll give you medicine today so that you will not dream of it again.
Tibo: No. Not now Doc. Its our championship tonight.
Labels: Clean jokes
24 July 2009

Talkative joke
In a pet shop, the costumer is asking the parrot with a sarcastic smile.
Customer: Hey parrot do you know how to talk?
Parrot: Yes I know how to talk. How about you? Do you know how to fly?
Labels: Clean jokes
23 July 2009

Mathematics joke
Student1: I dont like the bra of our math teacher?
Student2: What bra?
Student1: AlgeBRA.
Labels: Dirty jokes
22 July 2009

Hearing Aid joke
Deaf1: Are you going to school?
Deaf2: No. I will go to school.
Deaf1: Ahhh ok I thought you will go to school.
Labels: Clean jokes
20 July 2009

Which one is heavy? joke
Q: Which one is much heavy, 1 kilo of rice or 1 kilo of cotton?
A1: rice.
A2: no. cotton.
Which one?
Labels: Clean jokes
18 July 2009

Friendly pet joke
It was a rainy day when a stranger was stranded in an unamed rural town and is getting hungry and did not see any store to buy food. He decided to ask for a drink in an old house near to him. Only a 6 yr old girl in the house and invited him in and served him a cup of tea. There was a cat running around the kitchen, running up to the visitor and giving him a great deal of attention. The visitor commented that the cat is very friendly. The child replied: "Ah, she's not that friendly. That's her cup you're using."
Labels: Clean jokes
16 July 2009

Vision is the art of seeing joke
A 90 year old man is visiting his Doctor and said that his eyesight medication has improvement but he is bothered for peeing at the middle of the night and he claims that there is miracle because the lights is on when he pee and off when he is done.
The Doctor called his daughter to confirm about it. The daughter exclaimed "My Dad been peeing in the refrigerator again!"
Labels: Clean jokes

System problem joke
The office Manager do a spot checking and saw a playing cards on his staff table.
Manager: What happened?
Staff: Sir, there is a problem of the system, so we need to do it manually.
Manager: Strange!
Labels: Clean jokes
15 July 2009

What fruit? joke
Question: What kind of fruit mentioned in the song Happy Birthday?
Answer: Dalandan
Labels: Clean jokes
14 July 2009

Correct me if Im wrong joke
Son: Father, why at all times I'm wrong?
Father: No, son you are wrong.
Labels: Clean jokes
13 July 2009

Job Vacancy joke
Do you want to be an Actor under FPJJ production?
You will work together with Rudy Fernando, Micoy Sotto, Ricky Yan, Nida Blanco, Marky Ciela entitled "Ikaw nalang ang hinintay" Directed by Ernie Beron. Music by: Francis Megalona.
Audition now.
Labels: Clean jokes
12 July 2009

Fraternity life joke
One man has to do one thing before he could join the Unamed Fraternity:
Man 1: You have this choices: drink alcohol, sleep with a girl, or kill your neighbor?
Man 2: I don't want to kill or sleep with a girl who is not my wife because it is a sin. So, I will drink alcohol.
After got drunk, he raped the girl and kill his neighbor.
Labels: Dirty jokes
09 July 2009

Farm Joke
Pokwang's Farm Town is growing beautifully but only she can't wait her tomatoe field to get ripen. So she goes to her farm neighbor and ask, ``Your tomatoes are ripe, mine are still green. What can I do about it?'' Her neighbor replies, ``Well, all you have to do is take off your clothes during night time and visit your farm tomatoes. Tomatoes can see in the dark and they'll be embarrassed and blush. In the morning they'll all be red, you'll see.'' Well, She does it. Next day her neighbor asks her if how is it going. ``So-so,'' she answers. ``The tomatoes are still green but the cucumbers are all eight inches longer.''
Labels: Dirty jokes
01 July 2009

Job interview joke
Interviewer: I want to test your English and I want you to create sentence using Green, Pink,Yellow, Blue, White,Purple and Black.
Interviewee: I hear the phone ringing Green,Green, Green Green, so then I Pink up the phone and said Yellow, Blues that? White did you say, oh wrong number, don't Purplely disturb people and don't call black again ok?
Interviewer: Thats enough, you can go black from where you from and wait for your phone ringing green, green, green.
Labels: Clean jokes