Early warning joke
Girl to her boyfriend: One kiss and I'll be yours forever.
The guy replies: 'Thanks for the early warning.'
source: frowarded email from a friend
Labels: Offensive jokes
includes funny jokes, hilarious stories, clean jokes, and anything humorous. Best viewed in internet explorer7.
Girl to her boyfriend: One kiss and I'll be yours forever.
Labels: Offensive jokes
A wife asked her husband: 'What do you like most in me, my pretty face or my sexy body?'
Labels: Offensive jokes
A man was sitting reading his papers when his wife hit him on the head with a frying pan.
Labels: Funny stories, Offensive jokes
"Of course, there are lots of fish in the sea, but you're the only one I'de love to catch."
Labels: Clean jokes
Guy: you look like my 3rd wife
Labels: Clean jokes
"Be careful of what you say or do because.. the walls are thin and not well built!!"
Labels: Funny sayings
Girl: Were you in a boy scout?
Labels: Clean jokes
Dream makes everything possible, Hope makes everything work, Luv makes everything beautiful, Smile makes all the above... So always Brush ur Teeth
Labels: Clean jokes
Daddy : Son, what do you want for your birthday?
Labels: Clean jokes
Mother:(on the phone) Lina where are you now? Are you coming home?
Labels: Clean jokes
An Engineer, a mathematician and an arts graduate were given the task of finding the height of a church steeple (the first to get the correct solution wins a $1000).
The engineer tried to remember things about differential pressures, but resorted to climbing the steeple and lowering a string on a plumb bob until it touched the ground and then climbed down and measured the length of the string.
The Mathematician layed out a reference line, measured the angle to the top of the steeple from both ends and worked out the height by trigonometry.
However, the arts graduate won the prize. He bought the vicar a beer in the local pub and he told him how high the church steeple was.
Labels: Clean jokes
Beauty is not how you look, it is not how handsome u r, it is not ur figure too... Beauty is the inner self, so change ur underwear daily
Labels: Dirty jokes
Tiborcio: Whoever Says
Labels: Dirty jokes
Vendor: Buy now panties, If you wear this kind of panty you will not get pregnant.
Labels: Dirty jokes
Mother: (Very angry) Go away, leave this home and you will not call me mother anymore and I will not call you son. Understand?
Labels: Clean jokes
Sexy lady: Father, your cute and handsome. Why you decided to become a priest?
Labels: Dirty jokes
Tiborsio: I really love our pet cats at home.
Labels: Animal jokes, Clean jokes
Nurse: Miss, wake up!
Labels: Clean jokes
girl1: I hate you!
Labels: Animal jokes, Clean jokes
Q: How to keep an idiot busy
Labels: Offensive jokes